"Stepping out of her shell" collage, framed print by Emma Mullender

Stepping Out Of Her Shell



High Quality Prints Price List

Price/Size Guide Price
A4 / 300mm square
A3 / 500mm square
A1 / 800mm square
Measurements are a rough guide.
Custom sizes available on request.
Limited Edition Prints (50)
Free Postage and Packaging.

All prints will have gold leaf added for an extra touch.

“Stepping out of her shell” (2020) collage by Emma Mullender

She stepped out onto shallow waters, trusting that the sun always shines through the clouds.

She was ready to come out of her shell and spread her wings, excited to see how far she could fly

Emma Mullender

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I wanted to make a collage that expressed my process of becoming more confident as an artist. I have been making art since I was a child, but until the recent years I always felt too shy about showing my work. I am now proud to spread my wings and show the world what I do! The crow symbolises internal transformation. The Butterfly symbolizes rebirth and the shells birth and resurrection. I used a mixture of photographs, paints and pens to produce this collage.


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